The Graffiti Map

The Geography of Graffiti

North Bay, ON

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Graffiti Map

The beginning of the Graffiti Map is due in most part to the reading of 'The Ghost Map', about Dr. Snow in 1800's London and the Cholera outbreaks that raveged the area. I am interested in mapping Graffiti incidents in my home town and use similar Ghost Map principles to do the Graffiti Map. This was the initial Ghost Map from the 1800's and I will be utilizing Google Earth for my own project.

I will be collecting photo's and location details of graffiti in North Bay and will most likely call on others to help by sending me photo's when new graffiti is spotted.

I am engaging in this project to study the Geography of Gaffiti - not to glorify Graffiti.

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